What is Science?
Today, let's delve into the intriguing realm of science and explore the fundamental question : What is science? Science, at its core, is a relentless pursuit of understanding the world around us. It is the systematic and organized effort to unravel the mysteries of nature through observation, experimentation, and reasoning. It's not merely a set of facts, but a dynamic process that thrives on curiosity and scepticism. Imagine a world where we accepted things at face value, without questioning or investigating. Science rescues us from that stagnation. It encourages us to ask "why" and "how." It's a methodical journey
Bagless Sundays
‘Quality in Education is what makes learning a pleasure and a joy.’ Say hello to 'no-bag days'! 'With NEP's new 'bagless days' policy in place, it's time that we unburden our student's shoulders, both literally and figuratively, by implementing school days where backpacks are left behind and learning beyond textbooks takes centrestage. Bagless Day in school not only provides a platform to encourage students to participate in extracurricular activities but also, is an attempt to provide a different module of learning for better performance. The Bagless bay aims to take children to another dimension of learning through practical experiences
A Healthy Mind In A Healthy Body
The Romans had a proverb, " mens sana in corpore sano," meaning ' A healthy mind in a healthy body'. Research shows that Romans were really on to something. While it is known for a long time that exercise can protect general health and wellbeing, it now seems that exercise may help to preserve brain health also. For example, fitness levels have been associated with maintenance of brain function in age while physical activity has been linked with a reduced risk of development of Alzheimer's disease and dementia. Exercise is emerging as a possible means to maintain or improve
In Pursuit of Joyful Upbringing : The Essence of Balanced Parenting
Dear Parents, I hope this letter finds you in good spirits, may it gently invite a heartfelt pause for us to reflect on our shared adventure in parenthood. As we navigate the complexities of raising our children in a world that often measures success by academic achievements and accolades, I am compelled to address a growing concern that touches the very core of our family values. From the moment our little ones take their first steps, there is an unspoken but deeply felt desire for them to succeed. We dream of their futures, envisioning a life of accomplishments and
Dreams Do Come True If You Have Courage To Pursue Them
I Zainab Tapia, takes this matter of pride to share my experience of this wonderful journey. Over the course of my time here, I have had the pleasure of teaching English, Environmental Science and Social Studies and have witnessed the transformative impact of education on our students. The ethos of LOURDES CONVENT has played a significant role in shaping not only their academic achievements but also their character and values. One aspect that I truly appreciate about this school is the emphasis on holistic education. The school's commitment to fostering not only academic excellence but also moral and spiritual